September 9, 2009


Subject:           Michael Kasiewicz,

Chairman, Board of Trustees


Reference:      Violation, ByLaws, Anona West Inc.


To:                  All Concerned Parties


The continued and repetitive disregard for the procedures mandated in the Bylaws of Anona West has initiated this letter of intent to censure.


1.               Subject officer did individually make a financial transaction without appropriate pre-authorization. (As stated Article VI, Section A)


2.               Subject officer did direct all documents and statements to his home address, circumventing the administrative oversight and transparency demanded in all club related transactions.


3.               Mandatory documents were not provided to the bank as required to initiate any Sequester Fund disbursements. (As stated Article VI, Section A)


4.               All attempts to persuade this officer to rectify the situation have failed.



These deliberate violations of the Bylaws of Anona West are grounds for impeachment and as such will be presented to the Administrative Board, the Board of Trustees and the general membership. This behavior cannot and will not be tolerated.


Your term of office as Chairman of the Board of Trustees is almost over. This letter will be distributed as indicated if any attempt is made to extend this term of office or hold any other office at Anona West.





The stewardship of the assets of Anona West is not and should never be an individual officerÆs responsibility. The bylaws demand many stipulations to ensure that this does not occur. The deliberate manipulations that took place violated the trust placed in the chairman of our corporation.

            Michael K. was a member of the committee that revised the bylaws and signed the cover letter that presented the document for review and acceptance. Therefore claiming ignorance does not apply. Whatever the motives were, they do not reflect the character required for holding any office.


In a message dated 9/17/2009 10:22:20 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

He is in violation of the by-laws, and therefore in my opinion not in good standing.

The financial end of this has already affected the operating board weather you all know it or not.

ThereÆs a lot that goes on behind the scenes financially

To be audited now especially filing for 501(3) could be a problem. I have no info on the CD. (And now it has rolled over)

I need to account for this. WeÆve spend $700.00 filing this and I would hate to see money go down the tubes.

As you know I wasnÆt at the board meeting but would have brought this up if I was.

I also hold the trustee board accountable for allowing this and the other violations as stated.

Jamie is right there is no provision preventing the same person to be on both boards.

Please donÆt confuse the issue here. ( this seems to happen a lot)


A question for Jamie, if he is elected would he then have his signature on the checking acct.?? savings acct, and the CD???

This concerns me.


 IÆm not in favor of this so my vote is no..







Wow!!!  We have almost as many opinions as board members...  The board voted on this issue, right or wrong it was unanimous, I tried to avoid the vote, but it was motioned, seconded. and was unanimous. I do not vote unless there is a tie, this was not the case!  Well this issue did come up when I was nominated for both hats trustee and board I said, ôisn't it a conflict?ö I was told no!!!!   But no one could be president of both now itÆs changing to meet the needs of whom?  The board voted for the best interest of Anona West and its members and that is their right to do so, and is what they have been entrusted to do and  in my eyes did ... f.y.i. I have no problem running with Michael as long as he resigns from president of the trustees first. He can still be a trustee just not president ... its not in the best interest of the club , its members , or A.A. as a hole ... thatÆs why a president does not vote unless there is a tie, as not to have too much power .. being president of both is governing itÆs also against the traditions where our by laws are supposed to stem from.




What do all of the members think?

Should someone be able to hold both the position of President of the Operating Board and Chairman of the Trustees simultaneously? The Operating Board did not think so and voted unanimously to stop it from happening. Now, the Trustees are referring to current by-laws that fail to portray the complete situation.

Please, get involved; this is your club too. ôWe do not governö, but if this can happen it would be governing!  You decide. Vote this week. If you believe holding two board positions simultaneously is appropriate (Trustee Chairperson and Operating Board President), then vote for Michael K. as a ôwrite in candidateö for president.

Last year you voted for the current Operating Board. I believe theyÆve had the Club and itsÆ members, Anona West's and AAÆs interests at heart. This situation must be addressed. Please, vote this week to indicate the need to rectify the by-laws. The Trustees are the only ones who can fix this. Thanks for your support.